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A battery is available to evaluate cognitive development inspired by the therapy of the Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget.

Classification : The ability to name and identify sets of objects according to appearance, size, or other characteristics, including the idea that one set of objects may include another. Hierarchical classification refers to the ability to classify objects into classes and subclasses based on similarities and differences between groups.

Conservation : The understanding that even though an object changes in appearance, it still remains the same in quantity. Redistributing an object does not affect its mass, number, or volume. For example, a child understands that when a liquid is poured into a differently shaped glass, the amount of liquid remains the same.

Decentering : Now, the child takes into account multiple aspects to solve a problem. For example, the child already perceives that an exceptionally wide but short cup contains no less than a cup of normal width but taller.

Reversibility : The child now understands that numbers or objects can be changed and then returned to their original state. For example, during this stage, the child understands that his favorite deflating ball is not gone and can be filled with air and put back into play once again. Another example would be the child realizing that a ball of clay, once crushed, can be turned back into a ball of clay.

Seriation : The ability to arrange objects in an order based on size, shape, or any other characteristic. For example, if you give them different shaded objects they can make a color gradient.

Transitivity : Transitivity, which refers to the ability to mentally order objects and recognize relationships between various things in a serial order. For example, when told to store his books according to height, the child recognizes that he begins by placing the tallest one at one end of the shelf and the shortest one ends at the other end.




Piagetian tasks.



A battery is available to evaluate cognitive development inspired by the therapy of the Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget.